Add Comments With Memberstack
With FastComments, we can set up exclusive Members-only commenting when combined with Memberstack!
The Code 
We can easily connect FastComments with Memberstack with a small code snippet:

When the user visits your site or application while logged in via Memberstack, they will automatically be logged into FastComments and their comments
will be marked Verified
They will also be able to comment by leaving their name and email, if they are not logged in.
Member-Only Commenting
If you'd like to have member-only commenting, try the following code snippet, but change https://example.com/login
to where you want users to go when they click the Login

Domain Errors 
You may get an authorization error, like the following:

This is because FastComments doesn't know it's supposed to allow your account to be used on this domain.
In this case, the fix is simple. You just have to add your site to your FastComments.com account.
FastComments is designed to be customized to match your site.
If you'd like to add custom styling, or tweak configuration, Checkout our Customization Documentation to learn how.