
Types of Users Internal Link

With FastComments, there are four types of users that exist.

  1. Administrators
  2. Moderators
  3. Commenters
  4. SSO Commenters

Administrator Users Internal Link

Moderators and Administrators can be added to your tenant.

By default, when commenting, these users will have Moderator and Administrator labels next to their comments, respectively.

Administrators can be given permissions, for example to manage other administrators.

Commenter Users Internal Link

Commenters do not belong to any tenant. SSO Commenters are created automatically as part of the SSO integration.

SSO Commenters can be given administrator permissions. If their email matches the email of an existing administrator, the permissions will be the same.

Updating Administrator Permissions Internal Link

The permissions for any Administrator can be updated any time by another Super Admin.

They will not have to log out to get the updated permissions. The updated permissions will be applied immediately.

Developers Internal Link

For Developers whom you may not want to be Administrators, consider creating an Administrator user with the following permissions:

  1. Analytics Admin
  2. Customizations Admin
  3. Data Management Admin
  4. Comment Moderation Admin
  5. API/SSO Admin

This set of permissions will give a developer everything they need to setup FastComments as well as the visibility into the system required to ensure it is working.

The reasoning for these permissions is as follows:

  1. Analytics Admin: This can be used to debug usage of FastComments.
  2. Customizations Admin: This will be required to apply custom styling to the comment widget.
  3. Data Management Admin: This will be required to manage imports and exports, and setup webhooks.
  4. Comment Moderation Admin: This will be required to see comment data, at least during setup.
  5. API/SSO Admin: This will allow them to fetch the API keys directly from our platform. We consider this more secure than an Administrator copying it for them and sending the API Secret via email which may not be very secure.